This website contains general information only that has been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information on this website, consider its appropriateness. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement which is available on this website to help you decide the relevance for your needs.
The Corporations Act requires that issuers of financial products make a target market determination (TMD). The purpose of the TMD is to seek to offer consumers, distributors and staff with an understanding of the class of consumers for which this product has been designed, having regard to the objectives, financial situation and needs of the target market. The TMD can be found here.
This site has been prepared for information purposes only. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that up-to-date and complete information has been provided. However we do not represent or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information that is provided on this site. Before you act on any information on this site, you should contact us to obtain a written statement of the information required.
The Fund operates under a Trust Deed and Rules. If there is a conflict between the Trust Deed and Rules and Information published on this website the Trust Deed and Rules prevail.