Trust deed


Employer directors are appointed and removed at the discretion of FRNSW.

Member directors are appointed and removed by the Fire Brigade Employees' Union of NSW (FBEU).

Employer directors or Member directors may appoint and remove an independent director as an additional director via a resolution at a board meeting.

The current directors are:

Employer directors Member directors
Mr Dougal Horton - NSW Treasury Mr Mick Nairn - FBEU
Ms Alison Donohoe - FRNSW Mr John Styles - FBEU
Mr Paul McGuiggan - FRNSW Mr John Krajcik - FBEU

Further director and executive officer information is available by clicking here.


The Trustee does not provide any remuneration. Trustee directors do not receive any remuneration for their role as a director. The Trustee employs no staff.  A remuneration report can be found here.

Executive Officer

Catherine Connellan is the Fund Secretary.


Proxy voting

The Fund provides all of its benefits via insurance arrangements and all contributions after provision for Fund operating expenses are used to fund the insurance cover. Consequently the Fund does not invest in assets such as shares. This means that there is no opportunity for exercising voting rights in relation to shares in listed companies.

The Trustee

The Trustee of the Fund is a corporate trustee, NSW Fire Brigades Superannuation Pty Limited (ABN 71 108 677 854).

Service providers

The Trustee's service providers are:

Function Organisation ABN
Insurer AIA Australia Limited 79 004 837 861
Actuary PFS Consulting  84 096 646 178
Administrator Apex Superannuation (Australia) Pty Ltd 28 081 966 243
Secretariat Apex Compliance Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd 43 110 507 858
External Auditor NSW Audit Office 31 171 741 262
Legal Sparke Helmore Lawyers 78 848 387 938
Risk management PFS Consulting  84 096 646 178
Internal Auditor PKF (NS) Audit & Assurance Limited Partnership 91 850 861 839

Significant events and material changes